<aside> Welcome to my blog, where I share insights and expertise across a variety of topics, including AI, Emergency Management, Maya Archaeology, Remote Sensing and GIS, and Instructional Technology. Here, you'll find articles exploring each of these fields, from advancements in artificial intelligence and its applications, to strategies in emergency preparedness, uncovering ancient civilizations, and the latest in educational technology. Join me as I delve into these diverse areas and provide valuable perspectives on each.
👋 Hi, I’m Blaine – a dedicated professor, geospatial scientist, and AI expert. With a diverse background in fields like Maya archaeology, emergency management, instructional technology, and remote sensing, I’m passionate about exploring the intersections of technology, research, and education. In this blog, I’ll be sharing insights, discoveries, and my thoughts on a variety of topics from cutting-edge tech to ancient civilizations. Happy reading!